How do I cancel my account?
To cancel your account, simply click the cancel button on the members page and complete the cancellation form.
Your cancellation will be proceeded within 2-3days. Your account stays active until the end of your last billing period.
How much am I billed and how often?
When you subscribe, you are billed $21.95 per month. You will be billed every month until you cancel your account unless you choose non-recurring 30-days-membership($24.95), 90-days-membership($60)or 6-month membership($90).
How does the billing show up on my credit card?
Your membership is itemized on your credit card card statement as "TicketClub.com".
Is it possible to join with a money order or check?
We are afraid that we are unable to accept checks but if you wish to mail a money order, please contact us.
We currently accept only 90-days membership for international money order.
Why is my application for membership rejected?
The system will not allow you to join if you are using a proxy server. The system will also not allow you to join if your IP does not match where you are located, so if you are using some type of software to hide your location, it will not allow you to join. Also,if you have ever disputed a credit card charge with your credit card company with any site on the internet, you will not be able to join. You also must provide the exact name, billing address and zip code of the credit card you are using. Be sure when you join that you do not have any spam filters on your email account.
I'm signed up for a recurring membership.It is supposed to be auto-renewed, but I can no longer log into the member's site.There's no problem with my credit card. What's happening?
The auto-renewal function may deny your credit card for some reason. Was your credit card re-issued because of past expiration? If so,the card itself has been changed - including CVS code(The CVS code is the three digit number on the back side of your credit card.) In this case the auto renewal function denies your request. We ask you to re-apply for a member's accout. Sorry for the incovenience. |
I am a member, but my password is not working, what can I do?
You username and password are case sensitive, please be sure you are entering it exactly as it appears in your email receipt. If you still have problems, write to us.
I forgot my ID or password. How do I get?
If you lost or forget your ID or password, please contact us.
Video Format
Currently the videos are Real Media Files and Windows Media Files.
If you don't have these players, you can download them for free: Real Player Windows Media Player .
Bad Link
If you find any broken links (e.g., "File Not Found") please let us know. We appreciate your help.
Limit of Downloads
We set the limit of 10GB downloads per day. If you should exceed the limits, the system automatically suspends your account for 24 hours. After 24 hours your membership will be automatically re-activated and you can continue your membership usage. It is in order to be fair to every user. Thank you for your understanding.
Can I watch the videos with my iPhone/Android smartphone?
We set up MP4 files for viewing on smartphones, but there are cases in which the viewing of them cannot be guaranteed depending on the smartphone model or operating system. As the transmission of smartphone-based videos is simply an add-on service, we will not refund money in the event that videos cannot be viewed on a particular smartphone. Thanks for your understanding in advance.
How often do you update?
We try to update more than twice a week.
Are you going to do spanking videos with any implements?
We concentrate on only hand-spanking. If you prefer corporal punishment with implements, please explorer other great sites. We are fascinated by physical contact : hand and asscheek.
How about M/F or F/M spanking?
We specialize in F/F spanking. We won't do any videos men star in.
Do you sell CDs and DVDs of your production?
Yes we do. If you are interested, please visit our online store.
Do you sell any video clips of your products partially?
Yes. Some of our videos available at clips4sale.
Is it possilbe to watch all the movies ever produced by this site if I join?
We remove old contents regularly and we have the movies/photos produced within approx. these past four years. The older movies are available in DVDs and on Clips4Sale. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have another questions, don't hesitate to go to Email Page and send us a message.
We look forward to hearing from you!