Ordering Information
Before ordering... All our materials are for over 18 years of age. Our DVD format is DVD-R. We are unable to encode for every possible standard so we chose it. Our DVD format is NTSC and Region Free. We do not make Pal DVDs. If you wish to have in Pal no matter what, contact us. All our contents feature all-girl and hand spanking only. If you demand hard spanking or spanking using any implement, our products are not for you. However, if you like pretty Japanese girls getting their behinds spanked by female spankers, you will be delighted with our contents. If you wish to order with a credit card,click here. To Complete Your Purchase When you are ready to order your items, go to Email page and send us the following information. 1)Your Name 2)Shipping Address (including address,postal code and country) 3)Your Email Address 4)The Item You Order, Quantity After checking your email we will send our confirmation and the total amount you need to pay. If you agree with it, send us the payment with the order form.